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24 November 2011

Place of the month: Urquhart Castle, Scotland

Seems I am bit into castles lately :)

Parece que últimamente me van los castillos :)

Urquhart Castle, Loch Ness

This one, located by Loch Ness, is every Romantic's dream (Romantic to be understood as follower of that artistic movement): ruins, popular legends,more than probable for and/or rain...

 Este, situado a orillas del Lago Ness, es el sueño de todo romántico que se precie (entiéndase en el sentido de corriente artística): ruinas, leyendas populares, niebla y/o lluvia más que probable...

Urquhart Castle, Loch Ness


  1. i've swam in loch ness before! great place! did u see nessie? lol

  2. Beautiful and peaceful place! and if you look around with intensity you will see the monster. I promise it!;)

  3. Oh these dreamy scottish castles! I wonder what that one is like on a dark, stormy night, or in the snow. You always imagine there will be stories to be told....

  4. :) Thank you all for commenting. Wish I had seen Nessie, spent a while staring at the lake but... no luck, maybe next time :)
    And yes, I felt it was the perfect setting for one of those Gothic novels from the end of the 18th century. Actually, does anyone know if it has been the setting of any story?

  5. Libros no sé, pero la película de Billy Wilder de Sherlock Holmes juraría que está rodada allí (o finge estarlo).
