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19 April 2012

Sally Lunn's Buns In Bath

This post is dedicated to a very special person. With her I shared the discovery of this place and many laughters together around Bath... and around life in general, up till now and since the moment I was born :)

The house

Those buns...

Sally Lunn’s is the perfect place in Bath to forget our diet and get some warm on one of its rainy days, the best place to end up in if you have been reading a Jane Austen novel –even better if that novel is Northanger Abbey- if you has just been to the Museum dedicated to her or you have been walking around this gorgeous town and enjoying its abbey, I don’t think I will resist myself much longer to put some pictures of its curious front here.


It is situated in the oldest house in Bath, from 1482 and here, among other thing, you can enjoy its wonderful tea together with the amazing buns. The legend says that Sally Lunn was a French refugee, a huguenot, who arrived in town in 1680 and established a bakery, where she sold her famous buns.I had lunch here just out of tea and buns more than one day when I was in Bath :) You can even check their menu in advance in their website.

 I always asked for one of the cream teas that would include a Sally Lunn’s bun, with clotted cream and jam. I am sorry not to have pictures of any,at that time I did not use to take pictures of the food I tried –in fact, it was not so long ago that I found it very funny when I saw someone doing it.

The views
The house is really beautiful as well and the original kitchen, which can be visited, has been preserved. If you go to Bath, it is certainly one of my recommendations.

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